
Showing posts from April, 2021

Magazines: Final index

  1) Magazines: Introduction and conventions 2) Magazines: Representations and social context 3) Magazines: Tatler CSP case study 4) Magazines: Reveal CSP case study

Magazines: Reveal CSP case study

  1) How many of the 12 magazine cover key conventions feature on this edition of Reveal? List them with specific reference to the convention on the CSP edition of Reveal.  A convention I can identify is the price on the top-left corner to show the audience the budget cost. It has a photo-shopped picture of Katie Price and her Ex-husband which grabs the audience's attention. 2)  What is the font choice used on the cover and what does this choice connote? Here's  a blog to help you with this  as we haven't been able to complete the Photoshop typography lesson yet due to Covid-19. The font used is san-serif this connotes that they are aiming at a younger/ target audience 3) How do the cover lines appeal to the Reveal target audience? The cover lines like 'swapping cardio for carbs', appeals to the audience because it shows the gossip and secrets of these celebrities. 4) What are the connotations of the Reveal colour scheme on this particular front cover?  The colour s

Magazines: Tatler CSP case study

  1) Look at the  Tatler Media Pack . Go to  page 2 : how does the editor introduce the magazine? - The editor introduces the magazine as very positive and the finest. They introduce the magazine talking about their target audience (who are the richest/ upper class) . They mention 'shot to the very richest readers in the country'. Tatler is being looked at as a very high class, powerful magazine 'only for the richest' and those who 'spend a lot of money'. 2) Now go to  page 4   of the Media Pack. Focus on the print magazine.  List the key demographic details: age, gender, ABC1 % social class, HHI (Household Income), % of those living in London and the South East. What do these demographic details suggest about the average Tatler reader? This suggests the average Tatler reader is of the higher/elite class. - 1.2 million adults per month read Tatler.  - The average HHI - £ 261, 572 - Average age - 41 - Female - 73% - London / South / East - 70% - ABC1 - 83% 3) Loo

Gender stereotypes in advertising

  1) Find three adverts featuring women that are from the 1950s or 1960s.  Save the images to your Media folder as jpegs and then import them into your blog post. Hint: You may wish to look at car, perfume or cleaning products but can use any product you wish. 3)  2) Find three   adverts featuring women that are from post-2000.  Save the images to your Media folder as jpegs and then import them into your blog post. 2)  3)  3) What stereotypes of women can you find in the 1950s and 1960s adverts?   - Women were seen as housewives, the roles they were played were always the same, it would consist on cleaning, cooking or taking care of her child. In one of the adverts the woman was talking about how gaining weight got men chasing her', this was telling women that is they aren't a part of the beauty standard then they aren't beautiful. Another one had a woman on the floor opening her Christmas gift, it's a hoover. The slogan says 'It's Christmas morning she'll b

Advertising and Marketing: Key conventions (unfinished)

Denotation:  the literal meaning of something Connotation:  the deeper meaning or what is suggested (reading between the lines) 1) What key conventions of print adverts can you find and what are the  connotations   or deeper meanings of each convention? - The skittles in the background are representing a rainbow, rainbows represent joy and happiness, depicting that skittles bring  exhilaration.  - The background is a light blue sky with white clouds trying to show skittles as very heavenly and tasty. - The slogan says 'taste the rainbow', this is an effective slogan  ' taste ' this really puts an effect on the audience by making them crave for skittles. 2) For each convention, write about how it might appeal to a target audience.  3) What is the USP (unique selling point) for Skittles and how do you know? -The slogan consits of

NHS blood campaign

  1) What does BAME stand for?  - Black Aisian minorities  2) Why is there a need for blood in the BAME community?  - Only 3% of blood donors are a part of the BAME community  3) What does this advert want people to do once they've seen it (the 'call to action')?  - They want more people a part of the BAME community to donate blood 'call to action', is like an encouragement for the community to donate blood. 4) Why is the advert called 'Represent'?  - It's a representation for the BAME community and the advert represents for them 5) Why have the producers chosen famous BAME celebrities to feature in the advert? Give an example of three well-known people who appear in the advert and why they are famous ?   - Influencers like Doc Brow, Lady Leshur etc, took a part to this advert,k positive influencers who are a part of the BAME community which helps attract more people to watch the advert and even donate blood. 6) What are the connotations of the slow-pace